Singing Guide: George Givot

Singing Guide: George Givot

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

George Givot was a Greek-American baritone and comedian, best known for his work in Broadway shows and Hollywood movies. He appeared in dozens of films throughout the 1940s and 1950s, and was known for his distinctive voice and comedic timing. In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like George Givot, and highlight some of his unique vocal techniques.

Learn to sing like George Givot:

If you want to learn to sing like George Givot, there are several things you can do to develop a similar vocal style. First, it is important to understand that Givot had a distinctive baritone voice, which he often used to deliver comedic or lighthearted performances. To develop this type of voice, you will need to work on your pitch accuracy, and learn to sing with confidence and humor.

One thing that set Givot apart from other singers was his ability to use his voice to create memorable characterizations. He often used exaggerated accents or vocal mannerisms to create comedic effect, and was known for his mastery of different vocal registers. To learn how to do this, you may want to consider taking a singing course like the one offered by Singing Carrots, which covers vocal registers, breathing techniques, and other fundamentals of singing.

To further develop your baritone voice, it can be helpful to practice singing along to songs that showcase this type of voice. Some examples of songs that George Givot sang include "Put It There, Pal," "Tico Tico," "Chin Up! Cheerio! Carry On!," and "Let's Be Buddies," among many others. You can find a list of George Givot's songs on Singing Carrots' artists page.

Practical Advice:

Here is some practical advice to help you develop your singing voice like George Givot:

  • Practice your pitch accuracy by singing along to scales or simple melodies
  • Experiment with different vocal registers and accents to develop a unique vocal style
  • Take a singing course to learn fundamentals like breathing, pitch, and tone
  • Practice singing to songs that showcase a baritone or comedic vocal style
  • Work on your stage presence and learn to perform with confidence and humor

In addition to these tips, you may also want to use some of the tools available on Singing Carrots to improve your singing. For example, you can use the vocal training games in pitch training to practice your pitch accuracy and range, or use the vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it to other famous singers.


Learning to sing like George Givot can be a fun and rewarding experience, and can help you develop a unique vocal style that sets you apart from other singers. By practicing pitch accuracy, experimenting with different vocal accents and registers, and using the tools and resources available on Singing Carrots, you can develop a baritone voice that is both comedic and musical.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.